
Showing posts from August, 2013

Master's Thesis!

My Master's Thesis: Aha!! Completion! Honestly, for a second there I didn't think that this was going to get done. Started sweating bullets for that last week or so of the writing. however, there was a strange sense of calm and determination that overcame me during this stressful time. I believe the biggest credit should go to my wife. Without her patience and support it couldn't have happened. Seriously, I was a bit of a jerk (by bit, I mean a lot.) and despite a few little spats here and there, we managed to keep cool heads. She kept me on task, no matter the cost. Furthermore, my parents. Through there support I was able to gain my second wind and keep fighting.  But seriously, this entire endeavor would not have been possible without the support of my advisers, friends, lab mates, close family, distant family, and absolute strangers. The absolute strangers are the clerks at the coffee shop that give you a high five. It's amazing what small gestu...

Marine Life: The Jellyfish

Jellies! In honor of my graduation from UNL my wife and parents had decided a trip to the Omaha Zoo. (as seen below) Now I love trips to the zoo and luckily the one here is considered to be one of the best in the nation! So I'm quite the lucky fella. View Larger Map Of course with any en devour involving the potentially natural, scientific, or educational opportunity can spark my interest. This time is no different! We saw animals, plants, many a sight to behold. But of course the real gem of the trip is the aquarium.  A tasty specimen. (courtesy: Wife.) So, In honor of the trip I decided I would write a few small features on my research and thoughts about the things I found at the Zoo. Today, we will discuss one of the most intriguing; Jelly Fish. .... Catch more after the break at the link below!