Nook Simple Touch NST - IOIO for Android connected
Could it be possible? Is it possible? Did it happen?
Yes, Yes, and YES!
I have successfully controlled a IOIO development board using the Nook Simple Touch. Sadly, it's pretty late in the day right now for me to get a video of the sample blink program uploaded. So you'll have to take my word for it till tomorrow. I can post how I managed to do it though.
Hardware needed:
Nook Simple touch + Charging cable
IOIO for android board + Supporting hardware from Sparkfun
2gb or equivalent MicroSD Card
Software needed:
IOIO development stuffs -
Nook root stuffs -
Nook Google Apps Stuffs -
Apps from market:
Now this development took me a while, so I decided to help out by posting this.
First off, I am not responsible for you breaking, destroying, or rendering anything useless when going through this! Seriously, This is all test and prototype. What might work for me may not work for me. KEEP THIS IN MIND. However, should questions pop-up, Leave a comment. I will be in touch.
Step 1:
Follow the instructions at XDA-Developers for a proper root.
Here's a quick overview of what you'll need to do on the nook side:
Update your Nook Simple Touch (NST) to the latest firmware (1.2.1) from B&N.
Root your nook using NookManager
Install Google Apps (Gapps) Via NTGAppsAttack
After all is said and done and the dust settles, you'll have a brand spanking new Eink Android tablet with Google Market. Google Market is key because it allows us to install software to utilize ADB
Step 2:
From here you will need to install ADB Toggle. Send it to your phone device and it'll install over wifi.
You will also need to install the .APK from the IOIO software download. To do this, simply mount your NST on your computer and transfer over the .APK. Then, find it using relauncher and install it.
Step 3:
Open ADB toggle and from there make sure ADB is enabled and "Mount on USB connect" is Disabled.
Connect NST to IOIO using your NST charging cable (No OTG cable needed).
Start IOIOblink and begin the magic!
Should everything work in the way that it worked for me, you should have a blinking status light on your IOIO!! Push button on NST, light on. Push again, Light off. From here you can utilize the other features on the IOIO like PWM, I2C, UART, Analog in, and others.
Time for the fun! All great projects start with a blinking LED.
My Next Post will have a video I believe.
-- Jacob
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